HOUSE hunters are invited to view a newly completed development at Rathmell, near Settle, at an open day on Sunday 21st May from 10 am to noon. If any house hunters can’t make that date, individual appointments can be made.
Independent housing developer Snell Developments has already sold a three-bedroom house on the site, known as Beautry Croft – leaving three four-bedroom homes expected to appeal to couples, families or downsizers.
The family-owned developer has built the semi-detached properties on Main Street using natural stone and high specification interior design, including underfloor heating.
Priced from £290,000 to £360,000, the two-storey houses have a garage or off-street parking and feature natural stone window surrounds, Indian stone flagged patios and drystone walling.
Independent sales agent John Shaw FRICS said: “These beautiful, natural stone homes by Snell Developments are very popular. We already have one happy buyer at Rathmell and know it won’t be long before the others go.
“Beautry Croft offers high-spec homes at a range of prices in a great location. If any house hunters can’t make that date, we’re happy to arrange another time.”
Director John Snell, who runs the company with his brother Andrew, said: “We’ve been delighted by the response to our latest developments. We’re a family firm and care about the homes we build which is reflected in the quality.”